Carman LEE Yeuk-Tung
李 若彤

titre annéepays boxoffice
Missing Man 1989 Hong-Kong 2 839 802 HK$
Killer's Romance 1990 Hong-Kong 3 232 936 HK$
The Wicked City 1992 Hong-Kong 10 778 465 HK$
The Final Option 1994 Hong-Kong 11 232 091 HK$
Victory 1994 Hong-Kong 2 135 143 HK$
Awakening 1994 Hong-Kong 2 365 398 HK$
Burning Paradise 1994 Hong-Kong 1 319 697 HK$
On Fire 1996 Hong-Kong 1 759 870 HK$
Forbidden City Cop 1996 Hong-Kong 36 051 899 HK$
Somebody Up There Likes Me 1996 Hong-Kong 11 611 563 HK$
War of the Underworld 1996 Hong-Kong 12 028 513 HK$
Lover's Tears 1996 Hong-Kong 760 844 HK$
Loving You 1996 Hong-Kong 5 349 230 HK$
Final Justice 1997 Hong-Kong 3 788 316 HK$
Option Zero 1997 Hong-Kong 6 373 420 HK$
Too many ways to be number one 1997 Hong-Kong 3 154 303 HK$
Legend of the Wolf 1997 Hong-Kong 818 345 HK$
Lifeline 1997 Hong-Kong 20 730 867 HK$
The Odd One Dies 1997 Hong-Kong 1 717 565 HK$
Piège à Hong-Kong 1998 France 250 645
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