David Federmann

Reviews for section "japon": 33 grades, Average grade: 3.87

Work Date Grade
Hong-Kong | Japan | Anime | Other asian countries | Expatriates | All the sections | Year:

The Seven Samurai 4.00
Bullet Ballet 2.00
Violent Cop 3.25
Throne of Blood 3.75
Avalon 4.00
Kids Return 3.25
Battle Royale 3.75
Kairo 3.25
A Scene at the Sea 5.00
Brother 3.25
License to Live 4.00
Sonatine 5.00
Vortex 2.00
H Story 5.00
Not Yet 4.00
Boiling Point 4.50
The Ring 2 3.00
Rhapsody in August 4.25
Merry Christmas Mister Lawrence 4.25
Tokyo Eyes 4.00
Dode's Kaden 4.00
Hana Bi 5.00
The Ring 4.00
Sanjuro 4.25
The Summer of Kikujiro 5.00
In the Realm of the Senses 3.50
Dark Water 3.25
Ballad of Narayama 2.75
Tales of a Pale and Mysterious Moon After the Rain 4.25
Taboo 2002/01 4.00
Dolls 2003/02 4.00
Dreams 2003/02 4.00
An Adolescent 2003/04 4.25

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    David Federmann
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