Richard Yang Chuan


year  grade  avg.  nb
Candlelight's Woman 1995 3.5 1
Hell Has No Boundary 1982 3.46 7 available medias for this movie
Bloody Beast 1994 3.35 5
Seeding of a Ghost 1983 3.28 9 available medias for this movie
The Revenge of Angel 1990 3.12 4
Twisted Passion 1985 3 1
My Darling Genie 我愛神仙遮 1984 2.83 3 available medias for this movie
Read Lips 1980 2.75 1 available medias for this movie
Storming Attacks 1978 2.75 1
Three Encounters 1969 2.5 1
Night Girls 1986 2.5 1
Fortune Hunters 1987 2.5 1
Gambling Baron 1994 2.5 2
Duel of the Seven Tigers 1979 2.25 1
Hot Blood 1977 2 3
China Girls 1993
The Country Bumpkin in Style 1974
Happy Times 1970
The Darling Age 1981
Tenants of Talkative Street 1974
The Drummer 1983
Lady in Pink 1967
My Mind, Your Body 1985
Too Young 1974
The Country Bumpkin 1974
The Prodigal Son 1976
The Hunter, the Butterfly, and the Crocodile 1976
Poison Rose and the Bodyguard 1979
Ghost Lover 1992
Learned Bride Thrice Fools Bridegroom 1976
The Smart Guys 1978
The Money-tree 1973
I will Remember You Always 1970
Lucky Seven Strike Again 1970
Their Private Lives 1978 available medias for this movie
The Drug Queen 1976
Lucky Seven 1970
Enjoy Longevity 300 Years 1975
The Young Girl Dares Not Homeward 1970


year  grade  avg.  nb
Another Piece of Romance 1996 3.75 1


year  grade  avg.  nb
Storming Attacks 1978 2.75 1
Three Encounters 1969 2.5 1
Hot Blood 1977 2 3
The Country Bumpkin in Style 1974
They All Fall in Love 1967
Tenants of Talkative Street 1974
Lady in Pink 1967
Too Young 1974
Four Sisters 1966
The Country Bumpkin 1974
The Smart Guys 1978
The Money-tree 1973
Lucky Seven Strike Again 1970
The Hunter, the Butterfly, and the Crocodile 1976
The Drug Queen 1976
Lucky Seven 1970
Enjoy Longevity 300 Years 1975


Top rewards a valuable job.

Flop underline a poor performance

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