TU Guang Qi
屠 光啟


year  grade  avg.  nb
La Dialectique peut-elle casser des briques? 1973 1 3
Crush 唐手跆拳道 1972
Night is not Made for Stealing 千面賊美人 1970
Way Ching Killed the Dragon 魏徵斬龍 1970
King's Sword 壯士血 1970
Lotus Camp 蓮花寨 1969
The Violet Mansion 一劍情深 1969
The Invisible Sabre 雁翎刀 1968
The First Sword 第一劍 1967 3 1 available medias for this movie
The White Swan 白天鵝 1967
Double Exposure 千手奇女子 1966
The Heroic Tribe (Part 1) 龍虎榜(上集) 1966
The Heroic Tribe (Part 2) 龍虎榜(下集) 1966
Zhang Ailan and the Mafia 張愛蘭巧破黑手黨 1965
Homeless Children 流浪小天使 1964
How the Oil Vendor Won the Beauty Queen 賣油郎獨佔花魁女 1964
A Girl's Tears 蘭閨淚影 1964
No. 1 Lady Thief 第一號女賊 1963
One Murder, Five Deaths 一屍五命案 1963
The Heroic Lovers from the Tomb 古墓俠侶 1961
The Witch-Girl, He Yueer 妖女何月兒 1961
Bloodbath in Emerald Valley 翠崗浴血記 1960
Night of the Long Knives 刀光劍影 1960
Daring Gang of Nineteen from Verdun City 青城十九俠 1960
A Shadow over the Chateau 紅樓電影 1960
Red Turn the Flowers when Down Come the Showers 雨不洒花花不紅 1959
Love with an Alien 異國情鴛 1958
Where is My Bride? 鳳求凰 1958
You are My Soul 你是我的靈魂 1957
Great Wall of China 萬里長城 1957
Half Way Down 半下流社會 1957
Love's Elegy 斷腸風月 1956
My Lover, the Ghost 鬼戀 1956
Love & Obligation 戀愛與義務 1955
Blood-Stained Flowers 碧血黃花 1954
Rose I Love You 玫瑰玫瑰我愛你 1954
The Wind Withers 風蕭蕭 1954
A Songstress Called Hong Lingyan 歌女紅菱艷 1953
Qiu Jin, the Revolutionary Heroine 秋瑾 1953
Little Phoenix 小鳳仙 1953
Meal Time 閨房樂 1953
Heaven of Love, Sea of Sin 孽海情天 1953
New West Chamber 新西廂記 1953
Fatal Attraction 孽緣 1952
The Moon-Blanch'd Land 月兒彎彎照九州 1952
The Closer the Better 近水樓台 1952
The World Turned Upside Down 天翻地覆 1952
The Troubled Love of Wang Kui and Gui Ying 王魁與桂英 1952
Sweet Memories 滿園春色 1952
To See the Clouds Roll 出海雲霞 1951
Modern Wives 摩登太太 1951
Twenty Four Hours of Marriage 結婚24小時 1950


year  grade  avg.  nb
The Valiant Ones 忠烈圖 1975 3.6 15


year  grade  avg.  nb
Way Ching Killed the Dragon 魏徵斬龍 1970
King's Sword 壯士血 1970
The Violet Mansion 一劍情深 1969
The White Swan 白天鵝 1967
Double Exposure 千手奇女子 1966
The Heroic Tribe (Part 1) 龍虎榜(上集) 1966
The Heroic Tribe (Part 2) 龍虎榜(下集) 1966
Girl Spy 001 1965
Zhang Ailan and the Mafia 張愛蘭巧破黑手黨 1965
A Girl's Tears 蘭閨淚影 1964
No. 1 Lady Thief 第一號女賊 1963
Night of the Long Knives 刀光劍影 1960
A Shadow over the Chateau 紅樓電影 1960
Bloodbath in Emerald Valley 翠崗浴血記 1960
Daring Gang of Nineteen from Verdun City 青城十九俠 1960
Where is My Bride? 鳳求凰 1958
Love & Obligation 戀愛與義務 1955
The Wind Withers 風蕭蕭 1954
Heaven of Love, Sea of Sin 孽海情天 1953
Sweet Memories 滿園春色 1952
Fatal Attraction 孽緣 1952
The Closer the Better 近水樓台 1952


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Flop underline a poor performance

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