SAKAI Masato
堺 雅人


year of Birth1973


year  grade  avg.  nb
Sukiyaki Western: Django 2007 2.64 18 available medias for this movie
Golden Slumber ゴールデンスランバー 2010 3.5 7
The Wall Man 2007 3 6
Hachimitsu to Clover ハチミツとクローバー 2006 3 6 available medias for this movie
My So has got depression ツレがうつになりまして。 2011 3.25 3
The Two in Tracksuits ジャージの二人 2008 3 3
After School 2008 3.25 3
Key Of Life 鍵泥棒のメソッド 2012 2.88 2
Ozamu Tezuka's Buddha 2011 2.75 2
The Climbers High クライマーズ・ハイ 2008 3 2
The Triumphant General Rouge 2009 3 2
Stake out 2001 3.25 1
Koko ni irukoto 2001 available medias for this movie
The Wonderful World of Captain Kuhio 2009


Top rewards a valuable job.

Flop underline a poor performance

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