
year  grade  avg.  nb
Mr. Poo 1953 4.5 1
The Hidden Fortress 隠し砦の三悪人 1958 4.33 38 25/100 available medias for this movie
The Idiot 白痴 1951 4.11 21 available medias for this movie
Stray Dog 野良犬 1949 4.1 36 71/100 available medias for this movie
Mother 1952 4.06 12
Notes of an Itinerant Performer 歌女おぼえ書 1941 3.5 1
The Lower Depths どん底 1957 3.27 20 available medias for this movie
I Live in Fear : Record of a Living Being 生きものの記録 1955 3.26 20 available medias for this movie
Life of a Swordsman 1959 3.25 2
Okuni and Gohei 1952 3.17 3
An Inn at Osaka 愛と死の谷間 1954 3 1
The Beast Shall Die 1959 3 1
No Regrets for our Youth わが青春に悔なし 1946 2.98 11 available medias for this movie
The Men of Tohoku 1957
The Woman Who Touched the Legs 1952


Top rewards a valuable job.

Flop underline a poor performance

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