CHAN Chung-Yung
CHEN Sung Yung / Chen Sung Yung


year  grade  avg.  nb
City of Sadness 悲情城市 1989 4.12 16 available medias for this movie
Fong Sai-Yuk 方世玉 1993 3.77 46 available medias for this movie
Hero of Tomorrow 江湖接班人 1988 3.72 9 available medias for this movie
Gangland Odyssey 1988 3.38 4
Requital 1992 3.25 12
Prison On Fire 2 監獄風雲II之逃犯 1991 3.17 27 available medias for this movie
New Legend of Shaolin 新少林五祖 1994 3.1 37 available medias for this movie
Master of Zen 1994 3.08 3 available medias for this movie
Born to be King 勝者為王 2000 3.08 10 available medias for this movie
The Great Conqueror's Concubine 西楚霸王 1994 3 3
No Risk No Gain 至尊計狀元才 1990 2.82 7 available medias for this movie
Asian Connection 1995 2.54 14 available medias for this movie
The Jail in Burning Island 1997 2.5 2 available medias for this movie
Boss Noballs 1997 2.5 1
The Sichuan Concubine 1994 2.5 2
Gorgeous 玻璃樽 1999 2.48 48 available medias for this movie
Her Fatal Ways 3 表姐你好野之大人駕到 1992 2.25 2 available medias for this movie
Challenge of the Lady Ninja 1983 2.25 2
Hello Dracula 1985
The Hero Tattooed with Nine Dragons 1978
Mob Busters 1985
Big Boss 1981
Pretty Girl 1989
Dust of Angels 1994
Son of the Vampire 1986
A Woman and Seven Husbands 1990 available medias for this movie

action director

year  grade  avg.  nb
Son of the Vampire 1986


Top rewards a valuable job.

Flop underline a poor performance

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