Bessie CHAN Ming-Kwan


year  grade  avg.  nb
Vicious Killing 2004
The Thief of Red Lips Fish 千門女將之紅嘴鯉魚 2003
Sexual Vengeance 性在夠辣 2003
Bloody Buns 2003 0.25 1
Twilight Tubes Part II 不可思議星期二 (第二輯) 2003
Erotic Agent 2 2003 available medias for this movie
Gamble For Life 爛命一條闖江湖之賭命 2003
Cruel Killer 2003
Black Mask vs. Gambling Mastermind 黑俠VS賭聖 2002 0.25 1
Freaky Story 2002
Hooker's world 九龍的天空之旺角馬房 2002 available medias for this movie
The Hidden Enforcers 2002 1.25 2
Pauline's Life 2002
Monk Tang Cho 2 - Snake Goblin 燈草和尚2白蛇前傳 2002 available medias for this movie
Deadly Past 2002
Revenge 2002
My Horny Girl Friend 2002 2.75 1 available medias for this movie
Cyber Café 色慾城市之絕色網吧 2002 0.75 1 available medias for this movie
Erotic Agent 聊齋艷奇之陸判性愛 2002 available medias for this movie
Feng Shui and Gambling 風水賭神 2001
You're the Sexy One 我看見的你是我自己 2001
Prison on Fire - Plaintive Destiny 監獄風雲之夜囚 2001
An Mo Nu Lang 2001
Tough Cop Inside 內有惡警 2001
Troublesome Night 11 陰陽路十一之撩鬼羅命 2001 0 1
Massage Girl on the Rainbow 按摩女郎之彩虹那一頭某處 2001
Conspiracy 赤裸紅唇 2000 3 1 available medias for this movie
The Killer of Lonely Heart 2000
Two Courageous Ghosts 2000
2430 Drama 2 - Fantasy Palace 2000
Untouchable Maniac 七條命 2000
Prostitute Killer 新三狼之歡場屠夫 2000 2.25 1 available medias for this movie
Naked Party 獸性誘惑之赤裸性遊戲 2000 0.5 1 available medias for this movie
Man Wanted 3 旺角天空3終極邊緣 2000 2 1 available medias for this movie
Blow Your Head Off 1999 1.5 1
The Lord of Amusement 娛樂之王 1999 3.62 2 available medias for this movie
The Dare Devils 特技雙雄 1991 3 1


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